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What are the most common mistakes that Czech people make when doing an interview in English?

What are the most common mistakes that Czech people make when doing an interview in English?
What are the most common mistakes that Czech people make when doing an interview in English?
02. 2022

Is your next interview in English and is it stressing you out? Then you’ve come to the right place. Today’s article focuses on phrases commonly used during interviews. How to say them correctly and what to avoid? Veronika Šuranská and our team have prepared a small dictionary for you. Let our English lesson begin!

Let’s first go through some words that you commonly come across in the workplace:

Zkontrolovat = DON’T SAY: control, SAY: CHECK

Pro vaši představu = DON’T SAY: for your imagination, SAY: JUST TO GIVE YOU AN IDEA

Máš pravdu = DON’T SAY: You have true, SAY: YOU ARE RIGHT

Má dobrou kondičku = DON’T SAY: He is in good condition, SAY: HE IS IN SHAPE

Vyčistit si hlavu = DON’T SAY: Clear my head, SAY: CLEAR MY MIND

Pracovat na provizi = DON’T SAY: Work on provision, SAY: WORK ON COMISSION

Na jednu stranu = DON’T SAY: On one side, SAY: ON THE ONE HAND

Nechci to zakřiknout = DON’T SAY: I don't want to say it too early, SAY: I DON'T WANT TO JINX IT

Notebook = DON’T SAY: notebook, SAY: LAPTOP

Nejsem v obraze = DON’T SAY: I am not in the picture, SAY: I AM NOT IN THE LOOP

Náklady na energie = DON’T SAY: Energy expenses, SAY: UTILITIES EXPENSES

Nepochopitelný = DON’T SAY: Ununderstandable, SAY: INCOMPREHENSIBLE

Pochopitelný = DON’T SAY: Understandable, SAY: OBVIOUS

Jací jsou lidé = DON’T SAY: How are the people like, SAY: WHAT ARE THE PEOPLE LIKE

Konkurence = DON’T SAY: Concurration, SAY: COMPETITION

Aktualizace = DON’T SAY: Actualization, SAY: UPDATE

Realizovat = DON’T SAY: Realize, SAY: IMPLEMENT

Navštívit doktora = DON’T SAY: Visit the doctor, SAY: SEE THE DOCTOR

Objednat se u doktora = DON’T SAY: Order at the doctor, SAY: MAKE A DOCTOR’S APPOINTMENT


Učit někoho = DON’T SAY: Learn someone, SAY: TEACH SOMEONE

Potřebuji den volno = DON’T SAY: I need a holiday, SAY: I NEED A DAY OFF


Plus mínus = DON’T SAY: Plus minus, SAY: GIVE OR TAKE / MORE OR LESS

V praxi = DON’T SAY: In practice, SAY: IN REALITY

Minimálně = DON’T SAY: Minimally, SAY: AT LEAST

Mám okno = DON’T SAY: I have a window, SAY: MY MIND WENT BLANK


Konkrétně = DON’T SAY: Concretely, SAY: PARTICULARLY

Aktualizovat = DON’T SAY: Actualize, SAY: UPDATE

Zaregistrovat se = DON’T SAY: Register, SAY: SIGN UP

Vymyslet = DON’T SAY: Think up, SAY: COME UP WITH


Let’s now take a look at some phrases you may come across at an interview:

Vyplnit formulář - Fill in the form 

Naplánovat si on-line pohovor - Set up a virtual interview / schedule an online interview 

Mít s pohovor s personalistkou - Have an interview with the HR manager

Upravit si životopis - Revise your CV

Jaká je Vaše představa o mzdě? - What are your pay expectations? 

Jak si říct o mzdu - How to ask for a raise 

Jaký je další postup - What’s the next step? 

Kdy se dozvím výsledek výběrového řízení? - When will I find out about the results of the interview?

Kdy požadujete nástup do zaměstnání? - When can you start? 

Jaká je náplň práce? - What’s the job description?

Jaká jsou očekávání od této role? - What are the expectations of this position?

Jaké jsou Vaše pozitivní a naopak negativní vlastnosti? - What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Co máte na své práci rád? - What do you like about your job? 

Co v práci děláte nerad? - What do you dislike doing at work?

Co Vás dokáže v práci naštvat? - What makes you upset at work?

Co Vás v práci motivuje- What motivates you at work?

Co je pro Vás demotivující v práci? - What demotivates you at work?


That’s it for our mini dictionary. Have you ever used these phrases incorrectly? No worries, at least you learned a lesson and won’t make the same mistake twice! :)

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